Barnyard Brawl


LeAnne vs. Katrina

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Run Time: 26 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 260
Video Quality: 480p


Presenting the very welcomed return of LeAnne! This was supposed to only be an interview
with her shot at her North Carolina farm. She excitedly talks about how she has several new
girls lined up for what will be the relaunch of the Southern Belles Club although one
in particular she’s trying to discourage… her cousin Katrina.

For whatever reason LeAnne does not want her kin being a Belle.

But tired of getting the runaround from her cousin Katrina decides to crash the
interview and demands to be included as a Southern Belle. Angry words between
the two quickly boil over into an impromptu match right there on the ground as
LeAnne aims to prove to her impetuous cousin that she isn’t Belles material
while Katrina is just as determined to prove that she is.

The fight rages back and forth and it soon becomes obvious that there are all sorts
of personal issues between the girls coming to the fore.
Eventually both are so exhausted an unspoken truce is forged… but the war of
words between them continues unabated with neither woman willing to concede to
the other. Soon enough the fight reignites between them more ferocious than ever!

The battle grows wilder as the two pull no punches… and that includes throwing some hard fists!
Their mutual anger (and personal jealousy) keeps them going long past the point when their
bodies want to succumb to exhaustion. Ultimately one does drive the other to submit… or
more precisely to call off the fight and challenge the other to a rematch soon.

LeAnne is back as great as ever… and Katrina proves she has what it takes to call
herself a Southern Belle!

No one feuds harder than family as this match proves! Don’t you DARE miss this one!