Checked In, Counted Out


Onyx vs. Hollywood

SKU SB0196 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 15 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 459
Video Quality: 480p


The rivalry had been simmering for a while between Hollywood and Onyx and now in this encounter it threatened to boil over completely. Both wrestlers were keen to outclass and finish the other and agreed to meet up in a hotel room to settle their differences once and for all.

Onyx wore a black one piece swimsuit and hose with Hollywood opting for a two piece outfit: pink bra and black trunks. After the initial trash talking and threats the ladies locked up with Hollywood gracefully acknowledging Onyx’s strength in the hold.

Hollywood plants a headlock on Onyx almost choking out her rival. A bite is sufficient to break the hold much to Hollywood’s disgust. Onyx takes advantage by applying a camel clutch compounding the hold by planting her right leg firmly into her adversary’s back.

Good close camera work captures the strains and angst upon Hollywood’s face as she struggles to resist the ominous looking clinch. Hollywood is not done for yet; she takes punishment to her chest before turning the tables and securing a neck scissor hold on her shocked rival.

A mutual bear hug is clamped on by the ladies twisting and squeezing on their knees as again the intimate nature of the camera work shows the strenuous exertions unfolding before our very eyes.

Onyx punches out loosening Hollywood’s grip as she then enforces a waist lock scissor hold in this topsy-turf contest Hollywood cleverly adapts a figure four leg lock on her hapless victim whose claims of scratching and pinching are unfounded. It looks like lights out for Onyx until she craftily verbally talks her way out of the hold emphasizing that she hadn’t agreed to tap. This deception only angers Hollywood further as she goes to town on her severely weakened combatant; first using a choke hold that develops into a lotus.

Hollywood looks on the verge of being victorious until the tenacious Onyx turns things to her advantage and applies a Boston crab exclaiming: “Let’s see how flexible she is !” The bout threatens to turn dirty as Hollywood toys with Onyx’s costume before a low blow brings her down.

Punches and chops are dished out before a step over toe hold gives Hollywood an advantage. Onyx storms back once more offering an abdominal stretch before working on Hollywood’s fragile right arm. Both ladies come close to securing a win with near pins as the match builds towards its climax.

Punches and chops are dished out before a step over toe hold gives Hollywood an advantage. Onyx storms back once more offering an abdominal stretch before working on Hollywood’s fragile right arm. Both ladies come close to securing a win with near pins as the match builds towards its climax.

One wrestler is defeated left out cold and unconscious for a count of 5… when she comes to she vows to come back with a vengeance !