Pippa Challenges M.D. Storm


Pippa L’Vinn vs. M.D. Storm

SKU SB0211 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 19 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 403
Video Quality: 480p


From past experience, Pippa knows M.D. (here making her Southern Belles debut) is tough and the veteran intends to be on the very top of her game for this one. Heading to the ring Pippa promises the fans “She’ll never know what hit her!”

But L’Vinn’s supreme confidence might be misplaced in this one as from the very start Storm proves to be a formidable opponent. Between her skills and her raw power, she has Pippa in trouble repeatedly throughout this multi-fall contest.

Both gain submissions with painful holds and tempers flare as the battle rages on!

This one features tremendous submission grappling in the classic Southern Belles style… don’t miss it!