Amateur Ring War


Mia vs. Exotic Kim

SKU SB0015 Categories , Tag
Run Time: 32 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 111
Video Quality: Less than 480p


Another first for the Southern Belles… amateur wrestling in a pro ring! Spunky Mia has paid her dues emerging as a genuine amateur star. Newcomer Kim arrives on the scene and it is clear that she intends to make her name in the sport by beating Mia. The irresistible force meets the immovable object as these two battle each other in a racous wrangle. The trash talk flies from beginning to end as both girls try to rattle the other and the technical amateur maneuvers sometimes take a back seat to underhanded tactics!

The fight sways back and forth with both beauties scoring hard-won submissions. The battle ends when one woman too tired and pained to continue surrenders…but her opponent won’t stop! Only the timely intervention of LeAnne (surreptitiously there to scout the competition) spares one helpless girl from a merciless beating.

But LeAnne’s unexpected presence only inflames their rage and she finds both Kim and Mia leveling angry challenges to her setting the stage for two more donnybrooks in the pro ring!

SouthernBelles amateur wrestling at it’s best!