High Energy Grappling


Pippa L’Vinn vs. Laken

SKU SB0157 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 18 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 270
Video Quality: 480p


We open with Laken making her return to the Southern Belles doing her pre-match stretches in the mat room. Suddenly Pippa L’Vinn bursts into the room incensed that she has been kept waiting out in the main wrestling room while her opponent takes her time prepping. “Nobody keeps Pippa L’Vinn waiting!” the Mancunian growls and she goes on the attack starting the match right there and then!

This is a tremendous struggle replete with plenty of scissor holds wrist locks grapevines stretches chinlocks and more! At one point Pippa forces wide her adversary’s legs attempting to do some serious damage and only Laken’s tremendous muscular conditioning spares her from torn hamstrings!

After an exhaustive contest one battler snares her rival in a spine-rending camel clutch. After what seems like an eternity of suffering the overwhelmed beauty submits and the hold is released… until her opponent decides to reapply it and make her surrender all over again!

The energy like the animosity flies in this one… don’t miss it!