To Dare The Fury!


Tyler Dare vs. Lisa Fury

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Run Time: 18 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 270
Video Quality: 480p


It’s the second challenge in the triple gauntlet of women whom Tyler must wrestle if she ever hopes to get her much-desired match with Pippa L’Vinn! Fans will recall that L’Vinn demanded that the American face three women of the Brit’s own choosing and that Tyler must defeat at least two of them. In the first round after a tremendous struggle the redhead emerged victorious over Raven. Now she faces the challenge of the lethal Lisa Fury!

From the opening moments this is an extremely physical battle with both grapplers pushing their toned bodies to their limits. And as the match unfolds it becomes clear that these two are about as perfectly matched as any two fighters could be. The only thing that exceeds the genius of their technical skills is the brilliance of their counter-moves as time and again both Lisa and Tyler escape the seemingly inescapable clutches of the other.

On and on they struggle punishing each other with everything from scissors to chokeholds neither able to hold the advantage for very long…until finally at long last one fighter snares the other with an Indian Deathlock and the victim is given no choice but to tap out or risk serioius injury.

But for all of the intensity of their match they have earned the genuine respect of the other and Tyler and Lisa part with a handshake and a hug.

This is a tremendous battle between two women whom fans could until now only have dreamed of seeing paired up!