Queen Of The Belles


Tyler Dare vs. Pippa L’Vinn

SKU SB0125 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 19 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 295
Video Quality: 480p


This is it… the explosive culmination of a years-long quest!

Tyler has long been seeking Pippa for a match to determine which woman is the best and L’Vinn has artfully dismissed each challenge with a haughty wave of her hand. But following a successful run of gauntlet matches chosen by the Brit herself redhead Tyler has at long last won the right to face Pippa in the ring one-on-one.

This video opens with the online clip which Tyler made challenging Pippa along with the brunette’s response.

From the very first moment this is an extremely aggressive and physical match as both wrestlers each at the peak of her powers unleash everything they have against one another. Particularly lethal are the crushing scisssorholds which the two battling beauties torture one another with. As the battle wears on Pippa becomes engulfed by a veritable bloodlust reduced to animalistic growling as she hammers chokes hairpulls scratches and bites her rival. Still Southern gal Tyler knows a thing or two about brawling and she dishes out plenty of punishment of her own!

The end of this epic confrontation is sure to be controversial for years to come. The rules state that the match is to by won by submission.

However one wrestler pushed to the limits of her endurance locks a brutal sleeper on her foe ultimately KOing her! One wrestler claims victory but understandably her opponent feels that she technically did not lose since she never submitted and she demands a rematch.

Fans of both women will no doubt be debating this finish but there’s no denying that when the dust settled one woman was left standing and the other was laid out flat. You be the judge as to whether that constitutes a victory or not!