The Destruction of Roxi


Roxi vs. Shelby Beach

SKU SB0229 Categories , , Tag
Run Time: 27 mins
File Size (MB/GB): 625
Video Quality: 720p


Here’s a rare unreleased Southern Belles gem from 2009! Back then Roxi was an eager newcomer to grappling sugar sweet and a bit of a wide-eyed innocent. Now of course wrestling as Eva she’s as canny a veteran as you’ll find.

But here she goes into this match certain she has a good chance of beating Shelby. And maybe she would have…if the Blond Bombshell had any interest in giving her scrappy young opponent the chance to do so. Instead Shelby unleashes a torrent of torturous devastation on her adversary punishing the spunky brunette through multiple falls as Roxi had never been punished before!

As the one-sided bout grinds on the blonde focuses much of her effort on her opponent’s legs and feet to the point when Beach finally brings the destruction to an end poor Roxi can hardly stand and walk away!

It’s truly amazing that Roxi didn’t quit wrestling altogether after enduring this torture! But in fact it only steeled her determination to improve and to someday be the one doling out the destruction.